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Mini Project using HTML, CSS and JavaScript – DESKTOP GADGETS

Mini Project using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript – DESKTOP GADGETS

This is a Simple mini-project come under web-development. Different web-development tools and techniques are used to create this mini-project. To test this project google chrome is used as a web browser. And Notepad plus (notepad++) is used as a text editor. Three scripting languages are used in this project: - HTML, CSS, and javascript.

Scripting languages used in this mini-project: -

1.   HTML – Hypertext markup language

2.   CSS – Cascading Style Sheet

3.   JavaScript

HTML tags used: -
Html tag, head tag, body tag, the title tag, div tag, break tag, strong tag, image tag, bold tag, link tag, Anker tag, input tag, button tag, the header tag, footer tag, aside tag.

CSS Properties used: -
Border-radius, body-background, body-color, font-size, font-color, image-url, box-shadow, padding, margin-left, margin-right, padding-left, padding-right, position-relative, position-absolute etc.
Java Script used for the alert box and for the password alert box.

Text Editor used: - Notepad++

Web Brower used: - Google Chrome.

Mini-Project Introduction: - This mini-project concept is based on the Android application. In this mini-project, different desktop gadgets are created. Like an android application, I created some desktop gadgets. Different gadgets perform a different task. This mini-project can run on the desktop or online after uploading. This project is simple and anyone can create something interesting like this.

View Online Project: https://youtu.be/TeqaAJnL1ZQ

Desktop Gadgets Created in Mini-Project: -
1.   Image Gallery
2.   Music Library
3.   Online TV
4.   Google Chrome
5.   Animation
6.   Online Quiz
7.   Light Blub
8.   Account Settings

Image Gallery: - Image gallery contains different images collection. HTML tags used for image galleries are image tag, Anker tag. CSS Properties used for image galleries are border-radius, border.

Music Library: - Music library contains different song collections. Users can play and stop music.HTML tags used for music libraries are image tags, audio tag. CSS Properties used for music libraries are border-radius, border.

TV: - In TV users can play 3 channels and pause then. Users can change channel in between. HTML tags used tv are image tag, video tag. CSS Properties used for tv are border-radius, border.

Chrome: - Google Chrome will be open when user will click on chrome. HTML tags used for chrome are image tag. CSS Properties used for chrome are border-radius, border.

Animation: - In animation different animated images are inserted together. HTML tags used for animation are image tag, Anker tag. CSS Properties used for animation are border-radius, border. Gif images are used for animation in animation.

Online Quiz: - In online quiz, online quiz is present for user where computer science technical questions are asked. HTML tags used for Online quiz are image tag, anker tag. CSS Properties used for online quiz are border-radius, border.

Light: - In light user can Switch on and switch off lights. Javascript is used for on off light in light gadgets.

Account Setting: - In account setting different account setting are present for user. User can reset password. User can change camera settings and application settings.

HTML tags used for account settings are image tag, anker tag. CSS Properties used for online settings are border-radius, border.

Shutdown: -  Shutdown button is present for user. When user will press shutdown button mini-project will be shutdown. And user have to restart the system.
HTML tags used for shutdown button are image tag, anker tag, input tag, button tag. CSS Properties used for shutdown button are border-radius, border.

Restart Button: - When user will click on restart button project will restart again. HTML tags used for restart button are image tag, anker tag, input tag, button tag. CSS Properties used for restart button are border-radius, border.

Live VIDEO ON THIS MINI-PROJECT is also available online. If you like this blog and want to watch live VIDEO of this mini-project than CLICK on THE LINK GIVEN BELOW: -

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