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GODDESS DURGA is also known as Adi-para shakti. Goddess Durga is a Warrior Goddess. Goddess Durga helps us to fight life problems and protect us from the negative energies and wrong people.
Chanting Goddess Durga Mantra Helps us to free from FEAR, Worries, and Stress.
  • Goddess Durga also protects us from demons, Ghost and Negative Energies Fear.
  • Goddess Durga always helps and protect during our Bad time.
  • Goddess Durga always does fair with good-hearted people. And punish bad people for their bad karma.

  • Always live a simple life never insult or hurt anyone. For Goddess Durga, we all are equal and special. No one is Big or small in the Eyes of Goddess. 
  • Always Respect and help your family members and fellow friends. Never insult any stranger or bagger.
  • Be kind to all the creatures and human beings living on this earth.

This picture is made with a pencil, pen, AND crayon rather than paint BRUSH.

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