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The Steps one must follow to Implement LBP Algorithms for face Recognition

Multi-Block LBP is popular in texture recognition and is used for facial features extraction and detection has been used. The local binary operator is used for the calculation of binary patterns in digital images. The extracted features of the input images are displayed using the binary image. Binary images used two-pixel values and color black and white. The calculation of the local binary pattern is shown in Figure 3. A comparison of every neighboring pixel is done with the center pixel is done. If the neighbor pixel value is greater or equal (>=) to the center pixel value than we will assign 1 and if the neighbor pixel is smaller (<) than the central pixel than assign 0. Steps to calculate the binary patterns for face facial feature extraction and face detection are given below:
Video Explanation: How to use LBP operator: https://youtu.be/h-z9-bMtd7w
Output = Detected Face.
Step 1. Upload a query image from the database.
Step 2. Conversion of the input image into a grayscale image.
Step 3. Divide the image into multiple blocks.
Step 4. Comparison of the neighbor pixel values with the central pixel value.
Step 5. If (Neighbor pixel value >= center pixel value) {
Assign 1;
Step 6. If (Neighbor pixel value < central pixel value) {
Assign 0;
Step 7. Generate a binary number starting from pixel 1 to 8.
Step 8. Convert the generated binary number into a decimal number.
Step 9. Apply Addition and multiply operation on the pixel values and store it in a variable.
Step 10. Selection of facial features from the query image.
Step 11. Apply CascadeObjectDetector on the selected facial features for face detection.
Step 12. Face Detected.
The figure represents the detection of the face using Multi-Block LBP. For the testing of face detection digital images are used from the CMU database are shown in Figure 10 and Figure 11 with histograms.

Multi-Block LBP is used to encode the rectangular region’s intensity by using local binary patterns. Local Binary Pattern (LBP) looks at nine pixels at a time (i.e., 3x3 window of image = 9-pixel values and 2^9 = 512 possible values). By using Local Binary Pattern we can turn this 3x3 matrix into a single value. LBP focus on the very local neighborhood like 3x3. Multi-block LBP has been used for the large-scale structure. With the help of Multi-Block Local Binary Pattern (MB-LBP), 256 types of different binary patterns can be formed for edge detection and face detection from still images.

Learn Face Recognition Step-by-Step using Local Binary Patterns (LBP)

In this video you will learn, Face Recognition using Local Binary Patterns (LBP) .

Video Timestamps:
Introduction: 00:30
Face Recognition using LBP: 01:01
Conclusion: 08:22

Face Recognition Using Local Binary Pattern (LBP)

Face Recognition Using Local Binary Pattern (LBP) Local Binary Pattern (LBP) Image Dataset Training for Face Recognition Local Binary Pattern (LBP) Image Dataset Testing for Face Recognition Local Binary Pattern (LBP) Feature Extraction, Local Binary Pattern (LBP) Histogram Construction. Face Recognition using Local Binary Pattern (LBP) in MATLAB. Local Binary Pattern (LBP) Videos | Projects WATCH NOW

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