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In this video tutorial, you will learn how to solve the Bat Algorithm Step by Step. All bats use echolocation to sense distance and background barriers. Microbats are small to medium-sized flying mammals. Micro Bats used a Sonar that is known as Echolocation to detect their prey. Bats fly randomly with the velocity at the position with a fixed frequency and loudness for prey. Initially, each BAT is randomly assigned: Frequency, Velocity, Position, Loudness, and Pulse rate.

Bat Algorithm Steps:

1.) Initialize the bat population 𝒙_(𝒊 ) (i = 1,2,3,…n) and 𝒗_(𝒊 ) 2.) Initialize frequencies 𝒇_(𝒊 ), pulse rate 𝒓_(𝒊 )and the loudness 𝑨_(𝒊 ) 3.) While ( t < Max number of iterations) 4.) Generate new solutions by adjusting frequency and velocities and locations. 5.) If (rand > 𝒓_(𝒊 )) Select a solution among the best solutions. Generate a local solution around the selected best solution. 6.) If (rand < 𝑨_(𝒊 )& f(𝒙_(𝒊 )) < f(𝒙_(∗ ))) Accept the new solution. Increase the 𝒓_(𝒊 )and reduce 𝑨_(𝒊 ) End if 7.) Rank the bats and find the current best 𝒙_(∗ ) End while Important Link for function calculation: Bat Algorithm Inspired Algorithm for Solving Numerical Optimization Problems

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