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Whale Optimization Algorithm | Mathematical Model | Fitness Value ~xRay ...

Whale optimization algorithm (WOA) is a novel optimization algorithm inspired by humpback whale hunting behavior. An Adult Humpback whale is almost the size of a School Bus. Humpback Whales eat Krill and small Fishes.

Humpback Whale Hunting Strategy Once Prey is discovered. Humpback whales dive 12 meters deep. Humpback whales create bubble nets to catch their prey. [ Bubble net feeding ] Humpback whales blow bubbles underwater. Creating a Net of Bubbles. Humpback whales create bubble nets to catch their prey. [ Bubble net feeding ]

Whale Optimization Algorithm Steps

1.) Initialize population for n search agents. 
2.) Calculate the fitness value for each search agent. 
3.) Choose Best search Agent.  
4.) While ( t < MaxT )
5.) Update w, a, A, C, l and p for each search agent.
6.) For each search agent 
7.) If1( p < 0.5 )
8.) If2( |A| > 1 )   - Select random agent and update position. 
9.) Else if2 ( |A| < 1 ) – Update position of agent.
10) Else if2 
11.) Else if1 ( p>=0.5 )  - Update position of the agent. 
12.) Calculate Fitness for each search agent. 
13.) Update Optimal solution. 
14.) Increment Counter i.e., t=t+1; 
15.) Return Best Search agent and its fitness value. 

whale optimization algorithm steps
Bubble-net attacking method

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